Low back pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide, and it’s not just uncomfortable—it’s expensive. In fact, it’s the number one cause of disability globally, with yearly medical costs surpassing $100 billion. While many people go to doctors looking for answers, the cause of their pain isn’t always clear. However, one condition that often goes undiagnosed is “back mice” (also known as episacroiliac lipomas).
Now, these aren't actual rodents or creepy crawlies! These are small, fatty nodules that can form in the lower back, along the beltline, and they slide around under the skin when touched.

Often they form in response to small tears in the fascia (supportive tissue wrapped around the muscles) or after chronic inflammation. Though many times these back mice are harmless, in some cases they can be surprisingly painful and even mimic symptoms of other, more serious conditions. These nodules can lead to sharp, localized pain, often triggered by movements like twisting or walking. In some cases, they can even cause numbness or cramps in the thighs. The good news is that back mice are treatable.
A recent case study followed a 47-year-old woman who had been dealing with chronic low back pain for two years. After trying various treatments with little success, her doctors suspected she may have back mice. She had tender nodules on her back, and her doctors used a diagnostic ultrasound to take pictures of the lumps. They diagnosed her with back mice and with the help of an ultrasound-guided injection of anesthetics and corticosteroids, her pain was significantly reduced. Just one month later, she was pain-free and no longer needed medications. This treatment approach—targeted injections—is currently one of the best ways to deal with back mice before considering more invasive options like surgery. There are also non-invasive options like laser therapy, radiofrequency (TECAR) therapy, and shockwave treatment.

This condition is more common than many people realize. Studies show that a significant percentage of people with low back pain have back mice, though not all of them experience pain from the nodules. For those who do, laser treatment, dry needling, or injections are typically effective treatments. If these don’t work, surgery might be the next step, though it’s not always a perfect fix.
Ultimately, identifying back mice as a cause of low back pain is key to getting the right treatment. With knowledgeable intervention, people suffering from this often-overlooked condition can find relief and avoid unnecessary procedures. If you think you might be suffering with back mice, visit our Kalispell clinic where our healthcare professionals can perform the right testing and treatment to resolve this condition! Our combination of laser therapy, radiofrequency treatment, and guided injections have proven highly effective for our Flathead Valley patients. Call us today at 406-314-6400!